Tuesday, December 16, 2008

mumbai terror

When on Mumbai, terror again struck On the 26th of November, did the crowds knew, that they did be stuckon the streets like a sitting duck.Terrorists, with minds dark and mean Came to Mumbai, with devil's intentions To strike terror, never before seenand hold the city to ransom, unforeseen.People, our own and our friendsfrom lands far away, beyond the seashad been in the city, to make and meet friendsbut life to 'em, did befriend.In the crisis, In times of needOur policemen to the rescue came With hearts brave, to do the good deed.Thou' fell to the bullets, to join the martyr's creed.Our soldiers, beloved and brave To thee, we salute, with our soul 'n' hearts The onslaught, with conviction, your bravedand a major crisis to our country, you staved.To all the martyrs, we stand in silence and pray for your dear souls, In times like this, thou've shown resilence to save many, with your will 'n' persistence.


Unknown said...

The terror attacks were cruel, brutal and an attack on our way of life. But at the same time, it truly brought the ugly face of complacent attitude of our security forces. How poorly ill-coordinated our intelligence community has become, how ineffective our corrupt cops with sticks instead of guns are, how dysfunctional the chain of commands is and how unfortunate it is that we had to deploy our elite forces to take down 10 terrorists over 3 days. Before we say lets bomb Pakistan as they are the source of all problems, we might want to consider the facts: we have hostile entities on all 4 sides, our governance is corrupt, complacent and communal, our top military brass has exposed their urban warfare tactics to the world and have been chastised as ineffective, and the world is a mean place. Are we really ready to blame others for our problems?

Vinayak Vaish said...

This post of your's brings forth a weak description of a budding writer I acknowledge you as.Dissapointing.