Monday, February 2, 2009

the tragedy of...taj mahal .....

Oh Taj....!

No mirror can reflect your beauty
No camera can catch your grandeur
But look how lonely you stand
On the banks of the Yamuna river....!

Everything was marble-white about you
Artistic, decorative and superlative
From whence has come the red border
Though eye catching and innovative....?

Have you forgotten those artists
Of your creation, and subjugation
The emperor demanding their thumbs
After your grand completion....!

The blood that spilled on that day
Tainted some of the white into red clay
And their mute cry of despair
Turned into silence of the full moon day!


Mr Rancorous said...

ymbeautifully written piece... though i felt the poem ended just at the time i had attached myself to it.. if u wud hve written a little more then i wud hve u enjoyed it fully....

great work anyways.. i love it...

Unknown said...

it was really very nice especially the first stanza.......n maybe u shud hav written a bit more before endin it

Nikunj said...

nice depth. the start is immature but beautifies the end.