Thursday, November 13, 2008

Let me define success.........!

Success is not merely becoming wealthy.
Success is not only working for remaining healthy.
Success is not going after fame and name.
Success is not living life for such mind game.

Success is not just taking career to the top.
Success is not staying in a bungalow at the hill top.
Success is working hard for your dreams you believe.
Success is perseverance and efforts till you achieve your deal.

Success is having consideration for everyone.
Success is a strong desire and to live to help each one.
Success is to follow the religion of humanity.
Success is to always remember all pervading divinity.

Success is to follow the principle, “Live and let others live.”
Success is to accept others as diversity of nature; beautiful and alive.
Success is working for happiness of the world, a dedication.
Success is to love everyone unconditionally without any expectation.


Mr Rancorous said...

u leave me cheated..i didnt find clarity in ur definitions of success eventhough the poem seemed quite direct....
i believe -
"success is being successful coz nothing succeeds like success"

Vinayak Vaish said...

Steping stones for you mate,good that you are clear in your head about what you need to express.just take care of the order,it really matters.